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Einstein Center Population Diversity
Charité Berlin
research projects 2024
my local mountain
customer: Bergwelten Magazin

editorialillustration 2024
onlinebanking security
customer: Finanztest Magazine
print + web | 2024
foolishness – and how we protect ourselves
customer: carpe diem magazine
editorialillustraiton | 2024
exchanging knowledge
customer: Aktion Courage e.V.
report editorialillustration | 2023

customer: Beobachter Magazin
essayillustration | 2023 & 2024
welcoming new members
customer: Atrium Magazin | muehlhausmoers
editorialillustration | 2023
Breaking through and Holding together
customer: Aktion Courage e.V. | Schule ohne Rassismus Schule mit Courage
Posterillustration A1 594x841mm | 2024

booklet mobbing
Aktion Courage e.V. | Schule ohne Rassismus Schule mit Courage
editorialillustration | 2023

customer: Edition Beobachter | Frau Federer
bookcover illustration | 2023
social media how to
customer: Atrium Magazin | muehlhausmoers
editorialillustration | 2022
Lab BD Expedition
supporting digital transformation in schools
customer: Forum Bildung Digitalisierung | TAU
webillustration | digital, 2021
support of innovative and sustainable projects approching integration of immigrants in rural areas
customer: Robert Bosch Stiftung
key visual illustration for various applications, 2022

Humans and AI
customer: TUM Heilbronn several mindshift magazines
editorialillustration | 2022 - 2024
Theatertreffen der Jugend
customer: Berliner Festspiele
posterillustration, big banner, programme booklet | offsetprint, 2005


Doro Foto

I'm a female illustrator and artist born & based in Berlin where I graduated in visual communication and illustration at the University of the Arts Berlin.

During my studies in Australia I was camping in a bamboo forest seeing nature recovering after the fires and developed the passion for color combinations by starting silkscreen printing.

Now I specialized in finding a striking idea for various social concerns resulting in expressive illustrations in collaboration with publishers, institutions and agencies!

Leave me a message if you have any comments or would like to talk about your ideas... :)

personal project 2024


I translate complex issues into a
visual and contemporary language

by creating a flat & colorful illustration style.

My work can be found in magazines, books, on websites and in explanation videos.

 I had the pleasure to work with:

Robert Bosch Stiftung, Einstein Stiftung, Charité, Stiftung Humboldt Forum, Jahreszeiten Verlag, carpe diem Magazin, muehlhausmoers, Hirschen Group, Myself Magazin, Donna Magazin, Bergwelten, Beobachter Magazin, DIE ZEIT, Neue Narrative, Finanztest, TAU Berlin, Forum Bildung Digitalisierung e. V., Aktion Courage e.V., Damigra e.V., Auswärtiges Amt, Berliner Senatsverwaltung, TUM Heilbronn


Doro Spiro Illustration

Atelier Ahoj
Braunschweigerstraße 16
12055 Berlin

Schreinerstraße 14
10247 Berlin



  • Instagram Doro Spiro
  • LinkedIn Doro Spiro
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